Βιβλίο: [133037385] Learning English for Archaeology, Anastasia-Marina Tsoutsoulopoulou. ISBN: 978-960-12-2656-9
Digging up Archaeology.
This semester, the course "English for Academic Purposes III" will give you a comprehensive picture of the discipline and its practice in a contemporary context with a choice of subject matter.
It will provide you with a basic introduction to some practical skills of archaeology and different techniques of archaeological investigation, both, excavation and also non-invasive techniques.
Archaeological sites will be visited, and interviews will be attended in documentary films, online. We will also pay a visit to virtual museums and, if possible, a physical visit, and compare how a visit to a virtual museum is different from a physical visit to the museum.
We will evaluate archaeological finds from different periods and places through case studies or tasks - in writing, speaking and, occasionally, presenting in class. A number of tasks are food for thought and have been selected to encourage consideration of how things were in the remote past we will be talking about and, also, debates on specialist subjects of the field.
Course Content:
- Introduction: What is Archaeology?
- History of Archaeology
- Kinds of Archaeology
- Underwater Archaeology, et al.
- Documentary film: The Submerged City of Pavlopetri (BBC)
- Tips for archaeologists
- Documentary film: Keros (ertflix.gr)
- Excavation - Survey
- Techniques for excavations
- Dating techniques
- Archaeology and heritage – World Monuments
- Museums - Archaeological Museum trips
- Ancient Hellenic Theatres
- Temples
- Pottery
Assessment of this course is via the semester final written examinations: 100%
- If students wish to be examined either orally, or both orally and in writing,
- please, inform the university “Prosvasi” about it.
- Students, who wish to be exempt from the final examination, will submit
- two (2) essays of approximately 300 and 500 words respectively, or one (1) essay
- of approximately 800 words, plus the List of References and Footnotes or Endnotes,
- and if applicable, the List of Illustrations, citing the electronic or other sources used,
- prior to the final examination (date is announced and is to be confirmed on e-class).
- The 300-word review/essay (e.g., fieldwork or work in the lab): 40%
- The 500-word discussion/essay (e.g., of a visit to a museum exhibition or excavation site): 60%
Το μάθημα "Αγγλικά 3" επικεντρώνεται στην Αρχαιολογία, που αποτελεί κλάδο της Ανθρωπολογίας.
Θα δούμε τί είναι Αρχαιολογία & πώς εξελίχθηκε η Αρχαιολογία σε επιστήμη.
- Είδη Αρχαιολογίας.
- Τί εργαλεία ή άλλα αντικείμενα χρειάζεται ένας Αρχαιολόγος για ανασκαφές, κ.ά.
Οι κύριες πηγές, στις οποίες θα βασιστεί το μάθημα, θα είναι:
Βιβλίο: [133037385] Learning English for Archaeology, Anastasia-Marina Tsoutsoulopoulou.
ISBN: 978-960-12-2656-9
2) Έγκυρες πηγές από το διαδίκτυο (π.χ. Πανεπιστημιακές Βιβλιοθήκες/Συγγράμματα/Μουσεία,
National Geographic, κ.ά. )
3) Αποσπάσματα από το βιβλίο: Nancy Marie White, Archaeology for Dummies (2008).
Wiley Publishing, Inc.: Hoboken, NJ, USA
4) Κάποια σχετικά βίντεο - προκειμένου να αναδειχθούν κάποια σημαντικά στοιχεία, όσον
αφορά την επιστήμη της Αρχαιολογίας.
5) Λεξιλόγιο (Αγγλικά-Ελληνικά)
- Στις Ανακοινώσεις θα εμφανίζεται περίληψη των εβδομαδιαίων μαθημάτων, κ.ο.κ.
- Στα Έγγραφα θα αναρτάται η ύλη ή sites για μελέτη.
Η διδάσκουσα:
Αναστασία-Μαρίνα Τσουτσουλοπούλου
Βιβλίο: [133037385] Learning English for Archaeology, Anastasia-Marina Tsoutsoulopoulou. ISBN: 978-960-12-2656-9
Digging up Archaeology.
This semester, the course "English for Academic Purposes III" will give you a comprehensive picture of the discipline and its practice in a contemporary context with a choice of subject matter.
It will provide you with a basic introduction to some practical skills of archaeology and different techniques of archaeological investigation, both, excavation and also non-invasive techniques.
Archaeological sites will be visited, and interviews will be attended in documentary films, online. We will also pay a visit to virtual museums and, if possible, a physical visit, and compare how a visit to a virtual museum is different from a physical visit to the museum.
We will evaluate archaeological finds from different periods and places through case studies or tasks - in writing, speaking and, occasionally, presenting in class. A number of tasks are foo
Βιβλίο: [133037385] Learning English for Archaeology, Anastasia-Marina Tsoutsoulopoulou. ISBN: 978-960-12-2656-9
Digging up Archaeology.
This semester, the course "English for Academic Purposes III" will give you a comprehensive picture of the discipline and its practice in a contemporary context with a choice of subject matter.
It will provide you with a basic introduction to some practical skills of archaeology and different techniques of archaeological investigation, both, excavation and also non-invasive techniques.
Archaeological sites will be visited, and interviews will be attended in documentary films, online. We will also pay a visit to virtual museums and, if possible, a physical visit, and compare how a visit to a virtual museum is different from a physical visit to the museum.
We will evaluate archaeological finds from different periods and places through case studies or tasks - in writing, speaking and, occasionally, presenting in class. A number of tasks are foo
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