1η Διάλεξη: «Τα πάντα ρεί»: Γνώση, Τεχνολογία, Καινοτομία και Οικονομία Υλικό για την εισαγωγική διάλεξη |
Big Bigger Biggest - Airport
Η ιστορική εξέλιξη των αεροδρομίων. Τεχνολογία, οικονομία, κοινωνία σε αλληλεπίδραση.
Ποιες τεχνολογικές και οικονομικές αλληλεπιδράσεις θεωρείτε ότι επηρεάζουν τις εξελίξεις σήμερα;
Αναζητήστε σχετική επιστημονική (σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά) και γκρίζα (μελέτες, διπλωματικές, διδακτορικά κλπ) βιβλιογραφία |
Disruption in Agriculture
Διαλέξτε ένα βίντεο
- ποιοι παράγοντες θεωρείτε ότι επηρεάζουν τις αλλαγές στη γεωργία και την αλυσίδα αξίας των αγροτικών προϊόντων
- πώς αλλάζουν οι κανόνες του παιχνιδιού;
- πώς η τεχνολογία επηρεάζει την αξία και την ανταγωνιστικότητα των προϊόντων;
- πως επιδρούν διαφορετικές τεχνολογίες (ψηφιακή, βιοτεχνολογία, υλικά κλπ.);
Αναζητήστε σχετική επιστημονική (σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά) και γκρίζα (μελέτες, διπλωματικές, διδακτορικά κλπ) βιβλιογραφία | Industry 4.0: How to navigate digitization of the manufacturing sector
“Digitization is important but we are not prepared enough,”—this is one of the key findings from a survey among more than 300 industrial decision-makers in the US, Japan, and Germany on the status of digitization, their expectations on productivity within this field, and the challenges they see. Along with these results, the report discusses the different options company leaders can choose from to make the best out of their companies’ current starting position. | Floyd et al (2020) Energy descent as a post-carbon transition scenario: How ‘knowledge humility’ reshapes energy futures for post-normal times
Many studies have concluded that the current global economy can transition from fossil fuels to be powered entirely by renewable energy. While supporting such transition, we critique analysis purporting to conclusively demonstrate feasibility. Deep uncertainties remain about whether renewables can maintain, let alone grow, the range and scale of energy services presently provided by fossil fuels. The more optimistic renewable energy studies rely upon assumptions that may be theoretically or technically plausible, but which remain highly uncertain when real-world practicalities are accounted for. This places investigation of energy-society futures squarely in the domain of post-normal science, implying the need for greater ‘knowledge humility’ when framing and interpreting the findings from quantitative modelling exercises conducted to investigate energy futures. Greater appreciation for the limits of what we can know via such techniques reveals ‘energy descent’ as a plausible post-carbon scenario. Given the fundamental dependence of all economic activity on availability of energy in appropriate forms at sufficient rates, profound changes to dominant modes of production and consumption may be required, a view marginalised when more techno-optimistic futures are assumed. Viewing this situation through the lens of ‘post-normal times’ opens avenues for response that can better support societies in navigating viable futures.
| How smart platforms can crack the complexity challenge in project industries
Modularization excels in high-volume industries such as automotive, but does it offer tangible benefits for companies that tackle just a few, extremely complicated projects each year? The builders of steel plants, chemical plants, paper mills, wind parks, packaging lines, or power plants fall into this category, completing a handful of highly specialized solutions every year that feature very specialized components. New research—laid out in our report Smart platforms: Cracking the complexity challenge of project industries—affirms that, if done right, a modular platform strategy can deliver significant value quickly in these situations to fix the complexity challenge | Hamilton et al (2020) Exploring global food system shocks, scenarios and outcomes
Globalised food supply chains are increasingly susceptible to systemic risks, with natural, social and economic shocks in one region potentially leading to price spikes and supply changes experienced at the global scale. Projections commonly extrapolate from recent histories and adopt a ‘business as usual’ approach that risks failing to take account of shocks or unpredictable events that can have dramatic consequences for the status quo, as seen with the global Covid-19 pandemic. This study used an explorative stakeholder process and shock centred narratives to discuss the potential impact of a diversity of shocks, examining system characteristics and trends that may amplify their impact. Through the development of scenarios, stakeholders revealed concerns about the stability of the food system and the social, economic and environmental consequence of food related shocks. Increasing connectivity served as a mechanism to heighten volatility and vulnerability within all scenarios, with reliance on singular crops and technologies (i.e. low diversity) throughout systems highlighted as another potential source of vulnerability. The growing role of social media in shaping attitudes and behaviours towards food, and the increasing role of automation emerged as contemporary areas of concern, which have thus far been little explored within the literature.
| Schot and Kanger (2018) Deep transitions: Emergence, acceleration, stabilization and directionality
Industrial society has not only led to high levels of wealth and welfare in the Western world, but also to increasing global ecological degradation and social inequality. The socio-technical systems that underlay contemporary societies have substantially contributed to these outcomes. This paper proposes that these socio-technical systems are an expression of a limited number of meta-rules that, for the past 250 years, have driven innovation and hence system evolution in a particular direction, thereby constituting the First Deep Transition. Meeting the cumulative social and ecological consequences of the overall direction of the First Deep Transition would require a radical change, not only in socio-technical systems but also in the meta-rules driving their evolution – the Second Deep Transition. This paper develops a new theoretical framework that aims to explain the emergence, acceleration, stabilization and directionality of Deep Transitions. It does so through the synthesis of two literatures that have attempted to explain large-scale and long-term socio-technical change: the Multi-level Perspective (MLP) on socio-technical transitions, and Techno-economic Paradigm (TEP) framework.
| Schot and Stainmueller (2018) Three frames for innovation policy: R&D, systems of innovation and transformative change
Science, technology and innovation (STI) policy is shaped by persistent framings that arise from historical context. Two established frames are identified as co-existing and dominant in contemporary innovation policy discussions. The first frame is identified as beginning with a Post-World War II institutionalisation of government support for science and R&D with the presumption that this would contribute to growth and address market failure in private provision of new knowledge. The second frame emerged in the 1980s globalising world and its emphasis on competitiveness which is shaped by the national systems of innovation for knowledge creation and commercialisation. STI policy focuses on building links, clusters and networks, and on stimulating learning between elements in the systems, and enabling entrepreneurship. A third frame linked to contemporary social and environmental challenges such as the Sustainable Development Goals and calling for transformative change is identified and distinguished from the two earlier frames. Transformation refers to socio-technical system change as conceptualised in the sustainability transitions literature. The nature of this third framing is examined with the aim of identifying its key features and its potential for provoking a re-examination of the earlier two frames. One key feature is its focus on experimentation, and the argument that the Global South does not need to play catch-up to follow the transformation model of the Global North. It is argued that all three frames are relevant for policymaking, but exploring options for transformative innovation policy should be a priority.
| Stilgoe et al (2013) Developing a framework for responsible innovation
The governance of emerging science and innovation is a major challenge for contemporary democracies. In this paper we present a framework for understanding and supporting efforts aimed at ‘responsible innovation’. The framework was developed in part through work with one of the first major research projects in the controversial area of geoengineering, funded by the UK Research Councils. We describe this case study, and how this became a location to articulate and explore four integrated dimensions of responsible innovation: anticipation, reflexivity, inclusion and responsiveness. Although the framework for responsible innovation was designed for use by the UK Research Councils and the scientific communities they support, we argue that it has more general application and relevance.
| Lazonick and Mazzucato (2013)
We present a framework, called the Risk-Reward Nexus, to study the relationship between innovation and inequality. We ask the following question: What types of economic actors (workers, taxpayers, shareholders) make contributions of effort and money to the innovation process for the sake of future, inherently uncertain, returns? Are these the same types of economic actors who are able to appropriate returns from the innovation process if and when they appear? That is, who takes the risks and who gets the rewards? We argue that it is the collective, cumulative, and uncertain characteristics of the innovation process that make this disconnect between risks and rewards possible. We conclude by sketching out key policy implications of the Risk-Reward Nexus approach. | Five technological revolutions in three minutes (feat. Prof. Carlota Perez)
What can we learn from the history of technological revolutions? Why is there so much populism now? Why do we experience major financial bubbles? And how to move towards a green global golden age of the information revolution? Carlota Perez, one of the world’s foremost experts on the impact of technical change on the economy, discusses these questions in the first episode of TheOtherSchool series. Carlota Perez is a Professor at TalTech, Estonia, and an Honorary Professor at University College London, UK. | "Catching up in technology: entry barriers and windows of opportunity"
Perez, C. and Soete L. (1988) "Catching up in technology: entry barriers and windows of opportunity". In G.Dosi et al. eds. Technical Change and Economic Theory, London: Francis Pinter, pp. 458-479.
| Long Waves: The History of Innovation Cycles
Creative destruction plays a key role in entrepreneurship and economic development.
Coined by economist Joseph Schumpeter in 1942, the theory of “creative destruction” suggests that business cycles operate under long waves of innovation. Specifically, as markets are disrupted, key clusters of industries have outsized effects on the economy.
Take the railway industry, for example. At the turn of the 19th century, railways completely reshaped urban demographics and trade. Similarly, the internet disrupted entire industries—from media to retail.
The infographic shows how innovation cycles have impacted economies since 1785, and what’s next for the future. | Where computing might go next
If the future of computing is anything like its past, then its trajectory will depend on things that have little to do with computing itself.
Technology does not appear from nowhere. It is rooted in time, place, and opportunity. No lab is an island; machines’ capabilities and constraints are determined not only by the laws of physics and chemistry but by who supports those technologies, who builds them, and where they grow. | The Second Machine Age | Erik Brynjolfsson & Andrew McAfee | Talks at Google | Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of AI | Avi Goldfarb & Ajay Agrawal | Talks at Google | In the Age of AI (full documentary) | FRONTLINE | 2η Διάλεξη - Τεχνολογική Στρατηγική - Βασικά ζητήματα |
3η Διάλεξη - Τεχνολογική Στρατηγική II – Καινοτομία, Πνευματική Ιδιοκτησία και Στρατηγική Ιδιοποίησης |
Γενικοί Σύνδεσμοι |